Thursday, August 25, 2011


As we embark in this new fiscal year, I am honored to represent you on the State Board of Equalization.  To best represent and serve you, I encourage you to sign up to receive our monthly electronic newsletter to keep you abreast of the issues affecting our state.
Even as our state goes through hardship, it is my vision to return California to the Golden State it once was.  I represent 73 cities and over 8.5 million people throughout the Fourth District.  It is my hope to communicate with each and every one of you to inform you of what the State Board of Equalization is doing to improve our state.

An Invitation to Our Annual Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights Hearings
It is almost time again for the Board of Equalization’s Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights Hearings – a forum for you to present your ideas for improving the BOE’s administration of its tax programs.  

4th District Board Member

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